Temple Worship Restored Part 2
In this segment, of Temple Worship Restored, we shall look into the development of Temple Worship by King David. Or, the Tabernacle of David.
In the days of Moses, he was directed by the Lord to build an ark (Ex.25:10-22). It was to be placed in the tabernacle, which Moses was also directed to make (Ex.26:1), behind a woven veil (Ex.26:31-33). So, the glory of God that was on the ark was hidden from the people. The tabernacle in David's time however, the ark was not hidden by any veil. David set the Ark of the Covenant in open view. Instead of a thick veil around the ark, he used musicians and singers as a human veil around it. A veil of praise and worship was created.
Where are these Levitical musicians and singers today? Where are the psalmists! Where are the anointed ones that have been separated by the Lord to carry on David's ministry of worship to the Lord and for the people, being instructed in the songs of the Lord?
It seems today that these Temple Musicians and Singers have all but vanished in our traditional style services of choirs and soloists. Now don't get me wrong here. There is nothing wrong with a good choir, but there was no separation of the musician and singer in David's time. I have yet been so moved by a good choir bringing me into the presence of the Lord.
As in the Biblical days gone by, when the priest served as a conduit to bring down God's blessing and influence into this world, it should be still today. The function of the priest and the Levites was to serve as a vehicle, a means through which the Divine influence may descend. God does not change! Only men do.
We read in part one about Hezekiah restoring Temple Worship. Now let us look some more at the days of David and toward the end of his days.
It was King David's desire to build a house for the Lord; however, the word of the Lord came by the prophet Nathan, he was told not to build it (1Chr.17:1-12) and that David's seed would build the Lord a house. We know that the seed of David was Solomon (1Chr.22:9,10). As David was not to build the Temple, he however made abundant preparations for it. He appointed masons to cut stones, prepared iron for nails, and so forth (1Chr.22:1-5). He also had skilled workmen at Solomon's disposal (1Chr.22:15).
Now when David was full of days, he made his son king over Israel. He gathered the leaders, the Priest and the Levites together (1Chr.23:1-3), and he numbered the Levites. Twenty-four thousand were to look after the work of the house of the Lord (1Chr.23:4).
In (1Chr.23:5), David established that some four thousand Levites were to be set-aside for the Lord with musical instruments, which I made, said David, for giving praise. I tell you what, that is one large amount of worship team members!
David also separated, for the service of the Lord, some of the sons of Heman, Jeduthun and Asaph (1Chr.25:1); that they should prophesy with their musical instruments. This word prophesy here, means to speak or sing by inspiration (in prediction or simple discourse).
I know when our worship team at church is led by the Holy Spirit, and enters into prophetic worship; there is no other place I would rather be than in His presence. This is where the Holy Spirit takes you, into His (Gods) presence. What a glorious God we serve!
During this prophetic worship not only are the worship team members prophesying, also congregation members may receive Word to give, and this is given time to happen totally directed by the Holy Spirit. Who knows better than He how to enter into the Lords presence and what to bring forth. Also, at these times of worship, the musicians themselves may prophesy with their instruments. It is at this time of instrumental worship that the people take the time to reflect (Selah) on the things of God and may enter into the very throne room of God. This is a powerful time of worship! I could spend a lot more time on this but, maybe a later time.
As you read the list (1Chr.25:2-7) of the division of the Levites, you'll find that the number of those who were to prophesy with instruments were 288; that's a lot. I hope you ladies noticed that Heman, the king's seer, had fourteen sons and three daughters (verses 5&6). All of us that are called to be Temple Musicians, whether male or female, for there is neither in (Galatians 3:28) Christ Jesus; all are one in the Spirit making us Levites, separated for God, for the service of His temple.
Now the 288 that David separated for service drew lots (1Chr.25:8-31). So the twenty-four sons each had their brethren with them making them twelve each. Therefore, there were twenty-four worship teams, (if you would), having a number of 12 members each to prophesy and worship 24 hours a day in the Temple. Oh! By the way, don't forget about the rest of the 4,000 musicians; remember (1Chr.23:5).
All of this, and more, were just the stages of preparations for David's son Solomon, for the building of the Temple. You can read about the rest of the preparations in (1Chr. Chapters 26-29).
King David did all of this because of his love for the Lord. He had a connection with the great I Am. He had a heart of true worship, of giving praise and he was a psalmist. God gave David a key; we call it the key of David. This key opens the door. 'These things says He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts and shuts and no one opens' (Rev.3: 7). The key of David is still available for those who are willing, through worship and intercession, to receive this treasure into their hearts.
The Lord is in the process of restoring True Worship, in Truth and in Spirit (John 4:23,24).
David, by the direction of God's Holy Spirit, orchestrated true worship in God's tabernacle with musical instruments and singers. Also he made preparations for Temple Worship for his son.
As was once lost before, so it is again today. We need more Hezekiah's to recognize that the church is in need of cleansing and restoration, and we need more David's to come forth and bring with them the heart of true worship back into the Lord's body. Amen.
D. F. Carpenter