Moving in for 'The Kill'
Genesis 15:18 declares, "To your descendants (Abraham's) I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates." God later confirms this promise to Abraham's son Isaac, and Isaac's son Jacob (whose name was later changed to Israel). When the Israelites were about to invade the promised land, God reiterated the land promise, as recorded in Joshua 1:4, "Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the great river, the Euphrates, all the Hittite country, to the Great Sea on the west."
Now with Genesis 15:18 and Joshua 1:4 in mind, the land God gave to Israel included everything from the Nile river in Egypt to Lebanon (North to South) and everything from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates River (West to East). So, what land has God stated belongs to Israel? All of the land modern Israel currently possesses, plus all of the land of the Palestinians (the West Bank and Gaza), plus some of Egypt and Syria, plus all of Jordan, plus some of Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Israel currently possesses only a fraction of the land God has promised..
America! Quit Meddling!
Seems to me that no country or nation (especially the US) has any right to pressure or try to persuade Israel into any type of PEACE agreement that would allow the dividing of any land Israel has claim to; and especially the division of JERUSALEM! This is nothing more than the nations of the world following the dictations of the BEAST, the Beast being of course the system of the Anti-Christ. Any and all nations that go UP against the nation of ISRAEL, in these last days, will suffer JUDGEMENT from the Lord!
So, are we starting to enter into the days talked of by Daniel the Prophet, the days of a covenant between Israel and the Vile one who shall come in peaceably yet seize the kingdom by intrigue breaking this peaceful covenant? Only GOD really knows! But yet from Genesis through Revelation, God has given us the beginning and the end of all we need to know; but as sheep gone astray, we follow the dictates of our own hearts headed for the bitter end in stupidity.
ISRAEL, do not give up what you have died and fought for since your rebirth as a Nation in 1948 and since the 1967 war. The land of Israel is yours to claim given to you by God. WHY, would you give it up for a peace that will not be?
D. F. Carpenter